
Root Canal Side Effects
Restorative Dentistry |3 min read

Root Canal Side Effects

When it comes to dental procedures, few evoke as much apprehension as root canals. This standard and safe dental treatment has been the subject of numerous misconceptions and concerns, often centered around the side effects. However, at Smile Ballard, we’d like to...

What Is a Smile Makeover?
Cosmetic Dentistry |3 min read

What Is a Smile Makeover?

Do you lack confidence in your appearance? Do you wish you had a better smile? Well, you are not alone! Data shows that only half of all American adults are satisfied with their smiles. (Source: AACD…Open a new window to the AACD website…) On top of that,...

Why Does My Bite Feel Uneven?

Why Does My Bite Feel Uneven?

Do you ever feel like your bite is uneven? Maybe you feel like one tooth touches before the others, or your teeth aren’t fully making contact on one side. If you do, you aren’t alone. An uneven bite is a common problem. A problem many people aren’t even aware they...

Your Quick Guide on Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry |4 min read

Your Quick Guide on Cosmetic Dentistry

What is cosmetic dentistry? Short answer: Cosmetic dentistry is a type of dentistry focusing on improving the appearance of your smile. If you don’t like the way your smile looks, this is right up your alley. Interested in learning more, like types of treatments...