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Holiday Food Drive
We are hosting a food drive at our office until November 26th, 2019! If you are interested, please bring in something listed below to help fight world hunger 🙂
Food Items:
Canned Soup (low sodium)
Applesauce (no sugar added)
Dried fruit, raisins
100% fruit leather
Low sugar fruit jams and jellies
Fruit cups in their own juices
Oats or oatmeal
Granola bars
Rice, brown or white
Bulgur or polenta
Whole grain crackers
Shelf Stable Milk & Alternative Milks (Soy, Rice, Almond, etc.)
Canned Chicken & Turkey
Canned Tuna or Salmon in water
Vegetarian Beans & Soups (low sodium)
Peanut butter & other nut butters
Cooking Oils, like Olive and Canola